The A Real Community Bank® brand enhancement program differentiates your bank from the large regional, national and multi state banks in or near your community. With technology making it possible for every bank to be your competitor, it is more important than ever to tout the four core values that best define real community banking: Local People, Local Decisions, Local Investment and Local Commitment. In addition to market exclusivity, your bank has available, at no additional charge, thousands of dollars of ads and messaging designed to establish what A Real Community Bank® is and that your bank is that bank. Once that is established in your market, it is easily and inexpensively maintained. From a marketing standpoint, A Real Community Bank® becomes, in the mind of the consumer, banking’s version of the “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.” It doesn’t replace your brand or your current marketing efforts, it enhances them. Just place the mark on the lower right hand corner of every ad, TV commercial and sign.